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oh, higher Ere our foes endure Everything's the will of the strong Standing tall in the dark, til we carry on On wings
转自:https://musescore.com/user/4462906/scores/3846311 Cecil of the Red Wings is many things, but he is not a coward.
《相见欢》 作曲/编曲:wing翼 作词:琉枷 原唱:洛天依,言和 midi:水妖儿
钢琴版 哔哩哔哩2017拜年祭-春意红包 作曲编曲:Wing翼 作词:泠鸢YOUSA
春意红包-bilibili拜年祭2017 很惭愧,做了一点微小的贡献,谢谢大家 作曲编曲:Wing翼 作词:泠鸢YOUSA
《Dancing stars on me!》是由畑亚贵填词,佐伯高志谱曲并编曲,μ's演唱的一首歌曲,收录在2014年发行的动画专辑《Love wing bell/Dancing stars on me!》中。 该曲也是动漫《LoveLi...
Innocent Grey社2008年猎奇推理系ADV《壳之少女》OP及2020年《天之少女》ED曲目。个人水平所限听不出木吉他、电吉他织体,这部分瞎打。和声进行基本准确,整体效果较为还原。 原作词曲均为MANYO(寺谷知己是本名,Lit...
next best thing to be /free as a bird \Home, home and dry /like a ho ming bird I'll fly /as a bird on wings
know /the pla ces where we go /when we're grey and old /'cos I've be en told /that sal va tion lets their wings
我在那一角落患过伤风2 步步高 陈光荣(Chan Kwong Wing),香港作曲家、制作人、编曲人
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TFlying Without Wings @TWestlife @TLyrics added by Karen Jones \Ev ery bod y's look ing for
Broken Wing
@LENGL @TNewborn @TMuse \Link it to the world \Link it to your self \Stretch it like a birth squeeze \The...
小弟上传的Midi,主音都付加了歌词,用vanBasco's Karaoke Player就能当卡拉了.
/On wings and strings, /And floa ty things. /Com ing home for hugs. /Be good to bugs.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @Ientered with Karakan @LENGL @T>>> PAUL McCARTNEY & WINGS - GOODNIGHT TONIGHT (1978) <<< @T>>> (Lyrics
thing to be /Free as a bird \La, la, la, la /Home and dry /Like a hom in' bird I fly /As a bird on wings
krystall@qbc.clic.net @LENGL @TDAYDREAM BELIEVER @TThe Monkees @Twritten by John Stewart \Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings