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/Sand man, I'm so a lone, /Don't have no bo dy to call my own, /Please send down your mag ic beam, /Mis ter
\We go wher ever we want to, /do what we like to do /We don't have time to get rest less, \There is al ways
FILE @LENGL @THOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS / Have a hol ly jol ly Christ mas / It's the best time of the year, / I don't
\When you be lieve in things /That you don't un der stand, /Then you suf fer.
@LENGL @TSTRAIGHT UP @TPaula Abdul \Lost in a dream /Don't know which way to turn \If you are all that you
\And I don't own the clothes I'm wear ing, /And the road goes on fo r e v e r, \And I've got one more sil
\Don't need to be lieve in here after, /just be lieve in me. \Cos Je sus H
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWHIPPING POST @TAllman Brothers \I been run down, /I been lied to, \I don't know why
can't walk out /Be cause I love you too much ba by /Why can't you see /what your do ing to me /When you don't
used to know /Just so me one I used to spend some time with /Just a flame that lost it's ho me /And I don't
Darl ing, if you leave me /I'll ne ver make it a lone /Be lieve me when I beg you /Don't ever leave me a
\The morn ing fog may chill the air, /I don't care!
Mister \Ba by, I don't un der stand, /why we can't just hold on to each o ther's hands?
@LENGL @TTrue Blue - John Williamson @T(Australian) @TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Hey True Blue /Don't
/For I don't care too much for mon ey, \for mon ey can't buy me love.
\Don't you feel it grow in' day by day, /peo ple get tin' read y for the news.
lis ten to them by my self \To day's mu sic ain't got the same soul /I like that old time rock and roll \Don't
\Don't know that I will, /But un til I can find me /The girl who'll stay /And won't play games be hind me
\Why she had to go I don't Yesterday - CP000024 Arranged by Alan Lok ゥ1996 Clubhouse Productions - All Rights Reserved