About 1200 results
Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TMoondance VAN MORRISON @TLyrics Entered by GSR \Well it's a marv e lous night
me to grab /But lit tle does she know /That I'm a wolf in sheep's cloth ing /'Cause at the end of the night
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my
\I'll find my way through night and day. /'Cause I know I just can't stay here in hea ven.
got me so I don't no what I'm do in' /Yeah, you reall y got me going /You got me so I can't sleep at night
TWhile Shepherds Watched @TMIDI: Unknown - Karaoke by Tom Coughran 08/01 \While shep herds watch'd their flocks by night
Bar Cl On A
\Now, I be lieve in mir a cles /and a mir a cle has hap pened to night.
\Twas the night be fore Christ mas, fort y be low /When Snoop y went up in search
in a spin you know /Shak ing on a string you know \You make me feel like danc ing /(Wan na dan ce the night
\There are times /I find it hard /to sleep at night...
@T>>> (Music: Lee Holdridge / Lyrics: Al Jarreau) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Some walk by night
@TElvis Presley \Are you lone some tonight, /do you miss me to night? /Are you sor ry we drifted apart?
you feel al right /And the North ern girls /With the way they kiss /They keep their boy friends /warm at night
Marley and the Wailers \I wan na love you, /and treat you right /I wan na love you, /ev e ry day and ev e ry night
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TOnly The Lonely @TRoy Orbison \On ly the lone ly, know the way I feel to night.
/Look ing an y bet ter than you did /And all the kids at school /They were wish ing they were me that night
Even The Nights Are Better, Words and Music by J.L. Wallace, Terry Skiner, and Ken Bell Recorded by Air Supply, 1979 Seq...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TQueen Of Hearts @TJuice Newton \Mid night, /and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five
could n't get much highe r \Come on ba by, light my fire /Come on ba by, light my fire /Try to set the night