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"Adventures On Earth" (E.T.) "Adventures On Earth" from "E.T."
and there is none upon earth I desire besides thee." -- Ps. 73:25
20190218 the Wandering Earth Suite Midi v1 start end start end start end start end start end start end start end start end
/Shin ing in the East, be yond them far; /And to the earth it gave great light, /and so it con ti
/Let earth receive her King!
Angel @TEurythmics \La da da da na da da da da da /La da da da na da da da da da /Ye ah /No one on earth
TColors of the Wind @TVannessa Williams @TTheme from "Pochontas" \You think you own what ev er land you land on /The earth
bags last night pre flight /Ze ro hour nine A M /And I'm gon na be high as a kite by then \I miss the earth
to New Or leans, /Way back up in the woods a mong the e ver greens \There stood a log ca bin made of earth
/Peace on earth, and mer cy mi ld, \God and sin ners re con ciled."
FINAL COUNTDOWN @TEurope \We're lea ving to ge ther /But still it's fare well \And may be we'll come back /To earth
\A spi rit born of earth and wa ter. /Fi re fly ing from your hands.
tube ba bies be ing born /mo thers, fa thers dead and gone /It's a mi ra cle \We're ha ving a mi ra cle on earth