About 120 results
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TYOU'VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \Here
Dolan - kar by Mike M (1/3/00) \We walked to the sea /Just my fa ther and me /And the dogs played a round on
/Your gui tar, it sounds so sweet and clear, /but you're not real ly here. /It's just the ra di o.
/Dec or at ions of red /on a green Christ mas tree /Won't mean a thing if /you're not here with me \I'll have
/'Cause I know I don't be long here in hea ven. \Would you hold my hand /if I saw you in hea ven?
\They're tak ing you a way, /and they're leav ing me lone ly.
ing a bout you / De cor a tions of red / on a green Christ mas tree / Won't mean a thing / If you're not here
that ain't gett ing us no where /I told you eve ry thing I poss ib ly can \There's noth ing left in side of here
@TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Chew ing on a piece of grass /Wal king down the ro a d /Tell me
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWritten in the stars @TElton John & Leann Rimes @TSequenced & Karaoke by H.de Koning \I am here
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER @TPolice @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \You con si der me the
a trap /I can't walk out /Be cause I love you too much ba by /Why can't you see /what your do ing to me
TBachman Turner Overdrive \I met a dev il wo man /She took my heart a way \She said I've had it com in to me
/Get to me soo ner or la ter. \I'll keep hold ing on. /I'll keep hold ing on. \Hol ding back the years.
my boy friend so far away \Please Mis ter Post man, look and see /If there's a let ter, a letter for me
@W************ Have Fun ************* \I get up, and nothing get s me down. /You got it tough.
some co ffee /I try to read a bit but the sto ry's too thin \I thank the lord ab ove /that you're not here
on the side \And you can hear it in my ac cent when I talk /I'm an En glish man in New York \See me
/Now it looks as though they're here to stay. /Oh I be lieve in yes ter day.