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perfect_piano_mode1 perfect_piano_width10 perfect_piano_type1_6_8 perfect_piano_type1_6_9 perfect_piano_type1_6_10 perfect_piano_type1_6_12
Smith, Opus 17. (12 May 1863) for General MIDI olayback Army Song and Chorus
大鱼 NGERN Everyone Piano Page lITota12 EveryonePiano.com www.EveryonePiano.com Everyone Piano Page 2/Tota12 EveryonePiano.com
Music by James Austin Butterfield. (12 Apr 1864) for General MIDI playback Song and Chorus
1900s 12wjqh
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 12
1900s 12faj
Raymond Eddy from "Two Songs," Op. 12, No. 2
《和光同尘》是由董颖达作词、作曲,周深演唱的歌曲,发行于2020年12月16日。 电视剧《大江大河2》主题曲。 是我自己抄的谱子,有些地方不太对
1900s 12mb
CHA 2 CHA 3 CHA 4 CHA 5 CHA 6 CHA 7 CHA 8 CHA 9 CHA 10 CHA 11 CHA 12 CHA 13
Annie Lee Words and Music by William Shakespeare Hays (1865) for General MIDI playback No. 12 from "Charming Collection
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Guitar Bass Vibes Bells High Drums Low Drums Track-8 Track-9 Track-10 Track-11 Track-12 Track-13
perfect_piano_keyone41 perfect_piano_keytwo0 perfect_piano_mode1 perfect_piano_width11 perfect_piano_type1_6_12 perfect_piano_type1
其中第2、5、6、9、12及14首其后由奥地利音乐家法兰兹·达普勒(Franz Doppler)改编以交响乐方式来演奏。
: 0 Part A10 Volume : 100 Part A10 Panpot : Center Part A10 Reverb Send Level : 40 Part A10 Chorus Send Level : 0 Part A12
MIDI playback played on the album "The Inner Mounting Flame" by John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra from pages 12