About 137 results
/this I know, /For the Bi ble tells me so; /Lit tle ones to him be long; /They are weak, but he is strong
ly gone /There's a fire sof tly burn ing /Su pper's on the stove /And the light in your eyes that makes him
\On the cor ner is a ban ker with a mo tor car, /The lit tle chil dren laugh at him beh ind his back.
shop pers, Christ mas is nigh \There he sits, all a lone on the side walk /Hope in' that you won't pass him
LENGL @TWoodstock @TJoni Mitchell \I came up on a child of God /He was walk ing a long the road /And I asked him
make you love, he can make you cry /He will bring you down then he'll get you high \Some thin' keeps him
/So she tells him she must /go out for
way I do /Though love is blind /make up your mind /I've got to know /Should I hang up /or will you tell him
\All of the oth er rein deer /used to laugh and call him names, \they
Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down \Well, I hope Neil Young will re mem ber /A south ern man don't need him
\In the mir ror I saw him /And I c
DIAMOND @TLyrics Entered by GSR \Me lin da was mine /Till the time /That I found her /Hold ing Jim, /Lov ing him
LENGL @TDon't Stand so Close to Me @TThe Police \Young tea cher, the sub ject /of school girl fan ta sy /she wants him
\But I ain't seen noth in' like him /In an y a muse ment hall, \That deaf, dumb and blind kid /sure plays
/Hea ven help him, when he falls. \Dia mond life, lo ver boy.
/Born a babe on Beth leh em's plain; \Gold we bring to crown Him a gain; /King fo re ver, ceas ing ne v er,
sing er in the band \Des mond says to Mol ly "Girl, I like your face" /and Mol ly says this as she takes him