About 170 results
well \Hope I live to tell /The sec ret I have learned, 'till then /It will burn in side of me \I know where
, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by let me be /Your lo vin' te ddy bear /Put a chain a round my neck /And lead me a ny where
bring each o ther pain \I don't wan na cry /Don't wan na cry /No thing in the world /Could take us back /To where
IN NEW YORK @TSting \I don't drink cof fee I take tea my dear /I like my toast done on the side \And you
@Tby Whitesnake @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \I don't know whe re I'm going /But I sure know where
Roger Mac \My ba by nev er was a chea tin' kind /But It was n't cause the lad ies did n't try /Now ev' ry where
TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \If a pic ture paints a thou sand words, /then why I can't paint you
Reply @TBy The Beatles \This hap pened once be fore /When I came to your door /No re ply \They said it was n't you
\Please wear the fa ce, /The one where you smile, \Be cause it 'll li gh ten up my heart /When I start to
/(Oh no, you'll be deceived) \Is it in his eyes?
Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Chew ing on a piece of grass /Wal king down the ro a d /Tell me how long you
Wash the blood off your hands /This time she won't un der stand \Change in the air /And they'll hide ev ery where
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRUBY DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE TO TOWN @TKenny Rogers and the First Edition \You pain ted up
@LENGL @TI'LL BE THERE @TMariah Carey \You and I must make a pack /we must bring sal va tion back /Where there
stand head in hand /Turn my face to the wall \If she's gone I can't go on /Fee ling two foot small \E very where
of Wales on Saturday September 6 1997 @TMusic by Elton John - Words by Bernie Taupin \ Good bye Eng land's rose /may you
days ne ver say good bye /To de sire when we are to ge ther \Rai ny days grow ing in your eyes /Tell me where's
. / Have a hol ly jol ly Christ mas / And when you walk down the street, / Say hel lo to friends you know