About 1500+ results
\Just a per fect day, /Prob lems all left
so long a go /How I won dered /Where they'd gone /But they're back /A gain just like a /Long lost friend /All
Chris tine six teen, Chris tine /Chris tine six teen, Chris tine \She drives me cra zy, /I want to give her all
down I'm gonna wait till the midnite hour When there's no one else around I'm gonna take you girl and hold you and do all
I just can't stand the pain /Girl I'm lea ving you to mor row \Seems to me girl /You know I've done all
ディレイマクロ *** *** EQ LOW FREQ *** *** EQ LOW GAIN *** *** EQ HIGH FREQ *** *** EQ HIGH GAIN *** *パッチパートパラメーター* ** ALL
@I From The Clubhouse BBS, (416)754-2556 @I EMail: alok@yonet.org, aj707@torfree.net @KCopyright Clubhouse Productions, All
\Dash ing through the snow, /In my rust y Chevro let, /Down the road I go, /Slid ing all the way.
\Cuz' that sa' my wo man there /And I'm a man who cares /And this might be all for you" \(I said "ex cuse
102/142/208) Part4(259/323) Part5(371) <Master Volume> 0〜127 <System All
here \Since you're gone /There is a lo nely heart /Since you're gone /No thing is li ked was /The me mo ries all
ニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ "THE GIRL IN THE DREAM" Composed / Sequenced by MalletCat@aol.com c1995 All
1994 @I From The Clubhouse BBS, (416)754-2556 @I EMail: michael.chang@tch.yonet.org @KCopyright Clubhouse Productions, All
Mar y /Hair of gold and lips like cherr ies /It's good to touch the green /green grass of home \Yes they all
Kid Cudi - Day 'n' Night (Midi)
\You got mud on your face, /you big dis grace, /kick ing your can all o ver the place.
\You're a diamond in the rough /A brilliant ball of clay /You could be a work of art /If you just go all
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWalk Like an Egyptian @TBangles \All the old paint ings on the tomb /They do the sand
@T kar by Rondy ( rondy11@bol.com.br ) \ /An empty stre et /An empty hou se /A hole in side my heart /I'm all
from hum ble be gin nings and Who could have guessed it when You sit and doubt it and Things ain't all