About 163 results
/I love to wake up in the morn in', /See the sun come up a dawn in' /In At lan ta, G. A.
Bless the Lord O my soul O my soul Worship His Holy name Sing like never before O my soul I’ll worship Your Holy na...
Heinrich Aph 20fhw
Heinrich Aph 20sm
heeled snea kers /It's par ty time \The girls don't seem to care what's on /As long as they play till dawn
Pitt-Payne in London UK - 13 Feb 2002 \I heard you sing ing when the dawn was grey /and sil ver dew on ev ery
a ligns with Mar s, \Then peace will guide the pla n et s /And lov e will steer the stars \This is the dawn
/Used to hold and kiss me till the dawn. \Then one day, I woke and she was gone.
Heinrich Aph 20tdmaaoa
Heinrich Aph 20supplement Mh
i ter a ligns with Mars /Then peace will guide the plan ets \And love will steer the stars \This is the dawn
i ter a ligns with Mars /Then peace will guide the plan ets /And love will steer the stars \This is the dawn
Heinrich Aph 20tmb 1
Heinrich Aph 20tmb 2
\This is the dawn ing of the age of A quar i us, /the age of A quar i us, A quar i us, A quar i us.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE @TCream \Well it's get ting near dawn /When lights close their
/I see no need to take me home, /I'm old e nough to face the dawn.
Love the Blues and the Braves \There is the sun and moon /Fa cing their old, sweet tune /Watch them when dawn
and ra in /Shine your li ght on this heart of mi ne /Till the end of t i me /You came to me like the dawn