About 217 results
\The dark days are gone, /And the bright days are here, \My Sun ny one shines so sin cere.
more hurt /And stru ~u ~gling /Free of all a tro ci ties and suf f'ring /Be cause I feel the /Un con di tio nal love
/Once more you o pen the door /And you're here in my heart /And my heart will go on and on > > > / Love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI'm a Believer @TMonkees \I thought love was on ly true in fai ry tales /Meant for
has gone /I'm still all a lone /How could this be /You're not here with me /You nev er said good bye /Some one
Jack Fishman @TArrividerci Roma 1954 JPitt-Payne @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 5Jan2014 @T2014 \In Rome there's a love
Carey - Sent from up above @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 20041 \I don't wan na live wi thout your love
Mercy Mercy Mercy onntwo@wans.net Mercy, Mercy, Mercy My baby, she made out of love, Like one of those bunnies out of
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TPitbull ft Jennifer Lopez - We Are One(World Cup2014)
TSoldier Boy @TShirelles \Sol dier boy /Oh, my lit tle sol dier boy /I'll be true to you \You were my first love
Endless Love by Lionel Ritchy Arranged and recorded "live" by Bob Mace (pendrago@shadetree.com).
<Laura> @T<Scissor Sisters> @T<Words by Midime > \Lau ra, can't you give me some time, /I got to give my self one
Remember me to one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine.
Midnight Hour D Aston Comments to onntwo@wans.net Vs 1 I'm gonna wait till the midnite hour That's when my love comes
TSimon & Garfunkel \I'm sit tin' in the rail way sta tion, /got a tick et for my des ti na ti on /On a tour of one
You Ain't Been Called a Red @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @V0100 @LENGL \When I was just a lit tle thing, /I used to love
Good Is Good @TLyrics Added By Karaoke Krew Member Woof \Good is good and bad is ba d /But you don稚 know /which one
LENGL @TSam Smith - Stay With Me(2014) @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 6th August 2014 \Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhat the World Needs Now Is Love @TBurt Bacharach \What the world needs now /is love,
TUSA for Africa \There comes a time /When we need a cer tain call /When the world must come to ge ther as one