About 156 results
U lI'lJ .I\ul J} HTTP://CUPU.H RD 81. NE T 2- Cf'BSC. Hl3?_t?Tcp?Hl3?R Ii) ?""rn,?T'i re i'J'C'iU,j ng, ?
u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you \wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un der the boa rd
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.5 @LENGL @TLooknok Supaporn - Khun Lam Yai @TKar by Estrada 23rd
A# notes in second chord, tied 3rd and 4th Sequence
Song @TFrom the album "When the Sun Goes Down" 2011 @TChart Positions US 35 AUS 48 CAN 17 NZ 21 UK 58 @TLyrics added 23rd
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.5 @LENGL @TLoso - Panthip @TKar by Estrada 23rd June 2018 @TFor
land sl i de in a cham pagne su per no va in the sk y /some day you will fin RAP SECTION jubilations OH OH OH 3rd
KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TThe Script ft Will-i-am - Hall of Fame 2012 @TKAR by Estrada 3rd
Make You Feel My Love @TFrom the Album "19" 2008 @TChart Positions: UK No. 4 NLD No. 3 IRE No. 5 @TRemix/KAR by Estrada 3rd
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @Lyrics entered using @Midi Songs Karaoke System @M.D.R. Software - Bitonto (Italy) @E-mail:...
love you /Nev er know how mu ch I care /When you put your arms a round me /I get a fe ver that's so ha rd
www-personal.umich.edu/~gbross/ 1st String 2nd String 3rd String 4th String 5th String 6th String
Intro 1st Verse 2nd Verse 3rd Verse 4th Verse 5th Verse Waltz 6th Verse Pizzicato Strings Pizzicato Strings (intro) Accordion
Rola tipica de microbusero mexicano :)
http://members.aol.com/garyw0001/index.html Flute/Piccolo Bb Clarinet Alto Sax Tenor Sax Bari Sax 1st Bb Trumpet 2nd & 3rd