About 279 results
air, /and you're feel ing so proud, /'cause you're such a suc cess, /and the whole wide world /is on your side
\Link it to your self \Stretch it like a birth squeeze \The love for what you hide \The bit ter ness in side
BRAIN DAMAGE (dark side of the moon) by Pink Floyd @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @I Lirics entered by Alessandro Avancini @I aavancin
\Deep in side we knew our love was true.
ly one for me /So please tell me why don't /you come a round no more /Cause right now I'm cry ing /out side
值得注意的是,这种主要作曲动机也被用于原声带专辑中其他的曲子(例如第二首“The Other Side of the Sea”) ① “仇恨连锁” “Ashes on The Fire”最突出的特点之一,是背景小提琴在中音区无限循环
Money @TMeja @Tseq by Mikael Wang, Kim Frandsen & Steve McGill - kar by Mike M \Some times I find an oth er world in side
you be /So cold /So cruel to me /Ice cold /Don't e ven feel /Your kiss is like fi re /But deep down in side
you now Lord /Car ry me high /Don't let the world break me to night /I need the strengh of /You by my side
/You made it to the oth er side, /But tell me who will be my guide.
I get close to you /Help me to \Why can't you see / I would give the world a way /To have you by my side
IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \Sh e eyes me like a pis ces /When I am weak /I've been locked in side
@LENGL @THERO @TMariah Carey @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \There's a he ro if you look in side your heart.
Carey - I don't wanna cry \Once a gain we sit in si len ce /A fter all is said and done /On ly emp ti ness in side
our lives /With no more an gry words /to say can come a live /Get in to a car and drive /To the oth er side
/Deep in side I hope you feel it too.
/are our fu ture /Teach them well and let /them lead the way /Show them all the beau ty /they poss ess in side
/Have you ne ver tried /to find a com fort from in side you?
/Can't you hear that noise out side?