About 208 results
pty spa ces, what are we li ving for /A ban doned pla ces, I guess I know the score \On and on, /does a ny
li kes me just the sa me /Sus su su d i o oh oh \Oh if she called me I'd be there /I'd come run ning a ny
\Har mo ny and un der stand ing /Sym pa thy and trust a bound ing /No more false hoods or de ris ions \Gold en
can be, my ba by /But I'm gon na find him \Ooh we had a quar rel and I let my self go /I said so ma ny
\Har mo ny and under stand ing /Sym pa thy and trust a bound ing /No more false hoods or de ris ions /Gold ing
@LENGL @TGLORY OF LOVE @TPeter Cetera \To night it's ve ry clear /and we're both stan ding here /There's so ma ny
\Har mo ny and %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
/When it's o ver, so they say, it' ll rain a sun ny day. /I know, shi nin' down like wa ter.
/A ny dream will do.
down /Spin ning Wheel got to go 'round /Talk in' 'bout your troub les /it's a cry in sin /Ride a paint ed po ny
four time \You feel all right when /you hear that mu sic ring \You step in side but you /don't see too ma ny
your eyes there is no hope for to mo rrow /How I hate to see you like this /There is no way you can de ny
WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI'm Gettin' Nuttin For Christmas @TLes Herrman @T12/10/98 \I broke my bat on John ny's
Ëåòÿò ïåðåëåòíûå ïòèöû ñëîâà: Èñàêîâñêèé Ì. ìóçûêà: Áëàíòåð Ì. maked by team@karaoke.ru /Ëå òÿò ïå ðå ë¸ò íû å ïòè öû...
\I am a wo man in love /and I'll do a ny thing \to get you in to my world /and
" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain y days ne ver say good bye /To de sire when we are to ge ther \Rai ny