About 211 results
\You love a while, and when love goes, /you try to hide the tea %- %+ %- %+ %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %- %+ %+ %- %-
know down in side \You are mine /and I'm your true love /Or am I dream i n g \How can I /each time I try
\Ev' ry lit tle seed try ing to find /where the light comes from.
repost (trying to find the original composer)
Year Of The Cat Al Stewart \On a mor ning from a Bo gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You
TENNESSEE @TJohnny Rivers \Long dis tance in for ma tion /Give me Mem phis, Tenn ess ee \Help me find the par ty /try
in to the ci ty \There's a whist le up a bove /And peo ple push in', people shov in' /And the girls who try
\I can't get no sa tis fac tion /I can't get no sa tis fac tion \'Cause I try and I try and I try and I
/Could it be you just don't try \or is it the clothes you wear.
/There's no use try ing. \So scared that life gon na pass you by. /Your spi rit dy ing. \Not long a go.
\Cause I'm /Try in' to ex plain /Some thin's wrong /Ya just don't sound the same \Why don't you /Why don't you
woody woodpecker I am just trying to get points so i can download a final fantasy song
to them by my self \To day's mu sic ain't got the same soul /I like that old time rock and roll \Don't try
we do /Don't ask me where I've been /Or what I'm gon na do /Just know that I'm here with yo u /Don't try
love you \Gaz ing at peop le, /some hand in hand /Just what I'm go ing through /they can't un der stand /Some try
been un true /So does it real ly mat ter if they're look ing /I'm on ly look ing at you /You should nev er try
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBED OF ROSES @TBon Jovi @TKar made by Cowon MacLeod @WThis song @Wmay be used for non-comm...
Harris @TKar by Roger Mac \My ba by nev er was a chea tin' kind /But It was n't cause the lad ies did n't try
/When a man loves a wo man, /He'll spend his very last dime /try in' to hold on to what he needs.
\Yes we could try like we tried be fore, /when you kept on tel ling me those lies. /Do you re mem ber?