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\O- ba, O- ba serv ing the hyp o crites as they would /min gle with the good peo ple we meet.
Siem pre fuis tes la ra zon de mi e xis tir, /a do rar te pa ra mi fue re li gion, /en tus be sos en con tra ba
\(A ba cab) he's in a ny where. /(A ba cab) \If you're wrap pin' up the
\I don't wan na give up but ba by, /it's time I had two feet on the ground. \Can you re lease me?
fn:Fill In BA
\Ba by, if I made you mad /for some thing I might have said, \Please, let's for get the past, /the fu ture
/Agua de ri sa /Con unas go tas de ro sa /Y u na acei tu na sa bro sa /Y en lo calien te /Esa es La Bom ba \Mue
@TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \By the ri vers of Ba by lon, /there we sat down \ye ah we wept,
Mister \Ba by, I don't un der stand, /why we can't just hold on to each o ther's hands?
Pas-ko na na-man, O kay tu-lin ng a-raw [ It's Christmas again, Oh so fast the days go by] Pas-kong nag-da-an ti-la ba
\Sweet dream ba by, sweet dream ba by, /sweet dream ba by, how long must I dream?
转自https://www.vgmusic.com/file/78927bcdf59b3d4ba8df4e93f0032e79.html 原曲:Knuckles Chaotix - Door Into Summer
《深梦寻海》的旋律文件 曲子有且仅发布与哔哩哔哩 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cK4y1t7ba/
ba by \You don't know what it's lik e /Ba by, you don't know what it's like /To love some bo dy \To love some
those young boy days /With a girl like you /With a girl like yo u /Lord knows there are things we can do ba
Buy it now please
po si ti va, /tu quí mi ca con mi piel /ha ce car ga po si ti va \Y cuan do me a cer co a tí, /hay u na bom ba
/Jes ni ta, /Mung kin kah di kau, /Ga dis yang ku cari da lam ja ga ku, /Sla lu ter ba yang ter mim pi mim pi, /Hing