About 184 results
/How my poor heart aches /with eve ry step you take \Eve ry move you make /Eve ry vow you break \Eve ry smile
Hol i day style /In the air there's a feel ing of Christ mas /Child ren laugh ing, peop le pass ing /Meet ing smile
/She taught her ear ly how to smile /that smile and wave from the pa ra de /It took a whole lot of years
\Please wear the fa ce, /The one where you smile, \Be cause it 'll li gh ten up my heart /When I start to
World Of Hurt
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @I krystall@qbc.clic.net @LENGL @THERE COMES THE SUN @TTh...
de gree, (uh huh) \When he's at my gate, (uh huh) /With a big fat eight, (uh huh) /You wan na see the smile
Masser) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I think I final ly know you /I can see beyond your smile
\I know you hurt too but what else can we do /Tor men ted and torn a part \I wish I could carry your smile
al ways there /To lend a hand /In ev ery thing I do /That's the won der /The won der of you \And when you smile
FILE @LENGL @TLyin' Eyes @TEagles \Cit y girls just seem to /find out earl y, /how to op en doors with \just a smile
shar ing love be fore the night was through \Some thing in your eyes was so in vit ing, /some thing in your smile
\What the peo ple need is a way to make 'em smile, /it ain't so hard to do if you know how.
\A smile from a veil? /Do you think you can tell?
it's time we're a ware /It's a small world aft er all \There is just one moon /And one gold en sun /And a smile
\So kiss me and smile for me, /Tell me that you'll wait for me, /Hold me like you nev er let me go.
\Christ mas Toys all o ver the place, /Lit tle John ny wears a fun ny smile up on his face; \For John ny has