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Ïàòðèîòè÷åñêèå: "Áûëè äâà äðóãà" Ãåðìàíîâ Ñ. Ãóñåâ Â. team@karaoke.ru @TÏàòðèîòè÷åñêèå: "Áûëè äâà äðóãà" @TÃåðìàíîâ Ñ....
Melody Bass Guitar Bandeon Tromp String Drums Solo Picc TEXT @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TF:\Midi\Îãîíåê 2.mi...
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TWALK OF LIFE @TDire Straits \Here comes John ny
\Let me walk with my bro ther /in per fect har mo ny. \Let peace be gin with me.
\And so with Gods and men /The sheep re main in side their pen, /Though ma ny times they've seen the way
give up \now I can't sing a love song /like the way it's meant to be /well, I guess I'm not that good a ny
row for old Eng land she sails /Far a way from your land of end less sun shine /To my land full of rai ny
/Here, mak ing each day of the year /Chang ing my life with the wave of her hand /No bod y can de ny that
man just re leased from in den ture \As a drea mer of dreams and a tra ve ling man /I have chalked up ma ny
King \Stayed in bed all morn ing /just to pass the time /There's some thing wrong here, /there can be no de ny
er and deep er in debt /Saint Pe ter don't you call me cause I can't go /I o we my soul to the com pa ny
up like esk i mos /Eve ry bod y knows a tur key and some mis tle toe /Help to make the sea son bright /Ti ny
dress cut down to there \She would me ren gue and do the cha- cha /But while she tried to be a star, /To ny
her why, I'm gon na try /For an up town girl /She's been liv ing in her white bread world /As long as a ny
the song was made in the USSR in 2000
heart with love for on ly you \On ly you can make this change in me /For it's true , you are my des ti ny
old and the young \A ve ry Mer ry X mas /And a hap py New Year \Let's hope it's a good one /With out a ny
pa ra de /It took a whole lot of years and tears /For her mom ma to fi nal ly ad mit /No mat ter how ma ny
\I can see the des ti ny you sold, /turned in to a shin ing band of gold.