About 234 results
der ful to night" \We go to a par ty /And eve ry one turns to see \This beau ti ful la dy /Is walk ing a round
/She used to run a round with ev' ry man in town; \Spend all my mon ey play in' her high class games.
as a wait ress in a cock ta il bar /When I met you \I took you out, I shook you up and turned you a round
stra ngest feel ing /With no vivid rea son he re to find /Yet the thought of los ing you's been hang ing /round
no one here \Say your lines but do you feel them /Do you mean what you say /when there's no one a round
LENGL @TBig in Japan @TAlphaville @TTranscript by DREB \Win ter ci ty si des /Crys tal bits of snow flakes /all a round
Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TMatchbox Twenty - You Won't Be Mine 2000 @TKAR by Estrada 5th January 2013 \Take your head a round
chea tin' kind /But It was n't cause the lad ies did n't try /Now ev' ry where we g o /They're walk in' 'round
On such a ti me le ss flight \And I think it's gon na be a long long time /Till touch down brings me round
/Can I buy you a round?
d /But you don稚 know /which one you h a d /She put your books out /on the side walk /Now they池e blow ing round
the place I be long /West Vir gin ia Mount ain ma ma /Take me home Count ry Road \All my memor ies gath er 'round
/All of the peo ple a round us they say: /"Can they be that close?" \Just
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TA HAZY SHADE OF WINTER @TPaul Simon \Time, time, time, see what's be come of me /while I looked a round
\They told him, /''Don't you ev er come a round here.
no shame \Turn ing and re turn ing /To some sec ret place in side \Watch ing in slow mo tion /As you turn a round
big gest kick I e ver got /was doin' a thing called Cro co dile Rock \While the o ther kids were rock ing round
/I've been kicked a round since I was born. \And now it's all right, it's O. K.
Dolan - kar by Mike M (1/3/00) \We walked to the sea /Just my fa ther and me /And the dogs played a round on