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Back in black from acdc
Back in black
Back to black
Back to Black QUANTUM JUMP
是AC/DC,想不到吧!!!! 建议使用竖琴 怎么说呢因为是老摇滚 = = FF的乐器真的弹不出味道,没有长音太菜了 但是,耶嘿呀嘿哦!! from拉诺西亚-甜国夜鹰
改编自: https://musescore.com/user/11852121/scores/4287376 前俩乐器模拟主唱,钢琴加竖琴感觉和吉他不太搭配,建议自行探索其他搭配 已针对BMP标注, 游戏内乐器八度设置参考如下...
No introduction yet
Out The Black
BLACK SHEEP ;Traditional Back Vocal
Generated by NoteWorthy 1.0 Guitar 1 Guitar 1 cont. Guitar 2 Guitar 2 cont. Bass Snare Bass Drum Cymbal
BLACK OR WHITE ;Words & Music by Michael Jackson Back Vocal
Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers -- Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Bruce Banner -- must figure out a way to bring
This midi is how i blacked back in 2012... i found it on my other computer and decided to directly upload it here.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGet It On ( Bang a Gong ) @TT - Rex \Well, you're dir ty and sweet, clad in /black, don't
Tby Chris Rea \A dy ing flame you're free a gain /Who could love and do that to yo~ u \All dressed in black
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWALKIN' THE DOG @TRufus Thomas \Mar y Mac dressed in black, /sil ver but tons al l down