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Dear You - guitar
【Animenz】Dear You - 寒蝉鸣泣之时 OST (即兴钢琴伴奏版) 难度: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 樂譜+MIDI: 有粉丝勋章的请在下面留言(怎么有粉丝勋章呢?
it was you dear
Will You Love Me, Jennie Dear Written and Composed by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (1852) To Miss Ellen E. Rider.
Dear Wife I'm With You Once Again Words and Music by John B. Day. (1865) for General MIDI playback Song & Chorus
shimatta daishou wo totetsumonaku ooki sugite Torimodosou to hisshi ni te wo nobashite mogaku keredo Maru de kaze no you
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAre You Lonesome Tonight?
How Can I See You Die? Words by Louise Barrow.
/I don't know if it's cloud y or bright \'Cause I on ly have eyes for you, dear /The moon may be high \
world I don't know Don't keep telling me those words My dear Wow Oh Wow~ Reina (Reina), Reina (Reina) I really don't
WinKaraoke Creator @ISequenced and Arranged by Bob Fowler @LENGL @TSo In Love @Tfrom Kiss Me Kate \Strange, dear
歌词 哪里都是你-队长 词:队长 曲:队长 伴奏:Dear Cloud 从不在意别人口中的自己 她说过了一个想听花言巧语的年纪 你选择了他们口中所谓的放弃 却才发现早就丢掉了自己 特别是一个人的夜里 没人能够控制住自己
TLovable 1932 Roy Fox JPitt-Payne @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 5 Oct 2013 @T2013 \For the first time since I met you
- Lyrics by Andrew K.Allison @TOn A Good Old Time Sleigh Ride 1913 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK 26 Sep 2009 @T2009 \Dear
spe cial gifts /Tak ing time to be kind to one and all /It's that time of year /When good friends are dear
TSung by Cyndi Lauper (1979) \(Introduction 0:20) \I come home in the mor ning li ght /My mo ther says when you're