About 18 results
非完整版 第一次扒谱
Do not destroy basic ground. Don't kill the world Our means of life. Lend ear to nature's cry.
sleep and then You'd wake me up and kick me out of bed at 3 AM Pick up the phone and hear you saying dirty things to me Do
hurt you hon est ly /Than mis lead you wi th a lie \ And who am I to judge you /On what you say or do
ly sky /I ma gine all the peo ple /Liv ing for to day \I ma gine there's no count ries /It is n't hard to do
on the te lephone /I can't wa it /till we're all a lone /(I can't wait ) \I lo ve you /e ven wh en yo u do
Jackson ft. 3T - Why @TLyrics added by Karaoke Krew Member Mark Ward \Why does Mon day, come be fore Tues day /Why do
FILE @LENGL @TAnd I love her @TLennon Mcartney @TKaraoke by Claude Deschenes \I give her all my love /that's all I do
ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @Tuntitled \Las Ketchup Asereje \Mi ra lo que se a ve ci na /a la vuel ta de la es qui na /vie ne Die
/Ev en with our fists held hi gh /It nev er would have /worked out right, yeah /We were nev er meant for /do
@LENGL @TTitle: And I Love Her @TArtist: Beatles @TSequenced by: Dan West \I give her all my love /that's all I do
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIn The Real World @TRoy Orbison @TKaraoke by Ginny @T09/03/2000 \In dreams we do so man
you /Though you treat me cruel /You hurt me and you make me cry /but if you leave me /I will sure ly die
one cried /I saw a moth er /She was pray ing for her son /Bring him back, let him live, dont let him die
\First thing eve ry mor ning that I do. /Start missing you. \Some bro ken hearts ne ver mend.
Sequencer Unknown \Cof fee black ci ga rette /Start this day like all the rest /First thing every morn ing that I do
\Oh /Oh \Each morning I get up I die a little /Can barely stand up on my feet /Take a look