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來源在musescore 有修改部分曲譜 適配lyred 偏移量-3 99.74%音最準!! 播放速度:0.80 比較好聽~ https://open.spotify.com/track/6M7kWrx95RbUmg6ETsuy...
Canon Ball - Characteristic Two-Step Composer: Joseph Northup. - Arranged By Thos. R.
1.First Steps
Car-Barlick-Acid Rag-Time Two-Step-Cake Walk Composer: Clarence C. Wiley Run Time: 2:43 Sequenced by Colin D.
Koning \Day one God smiled /Gave us all the wis dom of a new born child, \But by the time we take, our first
pangeanet.it @LENGL @Tendless love @T \My Love /there's on ly you in my life \The on ly thing that right /My first
\My love, /there's you on ly life /The on ly thing that's right \My first love, /your eve ry breath that