About 68 results
Emblems of Mem'ry Are These Tears Words and Music -- anonymous (22 Feb 1800) for General MIDI playback
midi melody for a group popular in europe
Christmas Mem'ries
Istimewa @TAdibah Noor @TRRME \Ku ta tap gam bar wa jah mu /Si nar ma ta i tu /Li rik sen yu man mu /Per so na yang mem
/I can get o ver an y thing you want, my love /But I can't get my self o ver you \Don't for get to re mem
@TCeline Dion \Take me, back in the arms I love /Need me, like you did be fore /Touch me once a gain /Re mem
Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \By the ri vers of Ba by lon, /there we sat down \ye ah we wept, /when we re mem
& KAMPUNGMIDI.COM \Jan gan pe rnah ka ta kan bah wa /Cin ta mu han ya lah un tuk ku /Kare na ki ni kau te lah mem
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLate in the evening @TSimon & Garfunkel @TSynchronisé par JPP - 07 mai 1999 \The first thing I re mem
> \I op en my eyes /I try to see but I'm blind ed /by the white light /I can't re mem ber how /I can't re
fin ding the ans wers \Cry ing at the top of my voice, /And no.one lis te ning \All this time, /I still re mem
Rest Ye Merry Gentleman @TTraditional. publ.1853 \God rest ye mer ry, gent le men; /let noth ing you dis may /Re mem
I'll try, Oh Lord, I'll try /To car ry on \I look to the sea /Re flec tions in the waves /Spark my mem
er it's time for fare well /you pro mise you'll come back once more; /and so al ways let your heart re mem
Little Soul 1931 JPitt-Payne @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 8 Oct 2013 @T2013 \You went a way in Sep tem ber /re mem
\Do you re mem ber me? /I sat up on your knee. /I wrote to you /With child hood fan ta sies.
\My mem o ry takes me back /To a place where I long to be, /Back to all the friend ly fa ces /I long to
tried \Uh Angie, you're beautiful ...yes \but ain't it time we said good bye \Angie, I still love you /Re mem