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日本地方赛马协会 Tokyo City Keiba (东京城市赛马)大井赛马场普通比赛BGM
Na-Nar-Thong New Arranged by "The Saint"
/Were you on ly im ag i nar y..? \Where are you now? /At lan tis.. /Un der the sea.. /Un der the sea~ e..
seq. by Team H2O @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @L4:13 @TTerlalu Istimewa @TAdibah Noor @TRRME \Ku ta tap gam bar wa jah mu /Si nar
tin do fan ta si as, ti ran do a rou pa \Mo lha da de su or de tan to a gen te se bei jar /De tan to i ma gi nar
\The road is nar row and long /when eyes meet eyes /and the fee ling is strong.
\Chue dee gor mee tom pai /Ma riak lum yai tum mai lou nar..
Ma se pen si che so let to /Io ti deb ba ri a mar, \Pas to rel lo, sei sog get to /Fa cil men te a t'in gan nar
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @TMusiCalida.com Presenta: @TMarc Anthony - "Ahora quien" @TVersion Salsa @T---------- \Musi...
\Por tí, por tí, por tí /He de ja do to do sin mi rar a trás, /apos té la vi da y me de jé ga nar.