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The amazing
Freude schテδカner Gテδカtterfunken
London UK - 8 May 2011 @T2011 \You know Dash er and Dan cer /and Pran cer and Vix en, /Co met and Cu pid /and Don ner
FILE @LENGL @TTOM'S DINER @TSuzanne Vega @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \I am sit ting /In the mor ning \At the di ner
the tab le /I was nev er ab le /To be come the host's de light; /But now you've giv en me /my af ter din ner
Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @THEART OF GOLD @TNeil Young \I want to live, /I want to give /I've been a mi ner
/Town to keep me mov in', /keep me groov in' with some e ner gy.
/Well, got ta know the en e my wah hey \Vi olence is an e ner gy /A gainst the en e my /Well vi olence is an
one you'll find will e ver be \Clo ser to all your dreams than me \Be lie ving the grass would be gree ner
Pour les me ner . Vers d'au tres len de mains /[Don ne- leur la main . Pour les me ner .
in a fried out com bie /On a hip pie trail, head full of zom bie, \I met a strange la dy, she made me ner
Red-Nosed Reindeer (Country) / / You know Dash er and Dan cer and Pran cer and Vix en, / Com et and Cup id and Don ner
he's had the plea sure to know \And all the peo ple that come and go /Stop and say hel lo \On the cor ner
up died and now it's rot ten \I'm not a gang ster to night /Don't want to be a bad guy /I'm just a lo ner
/Ce rré mi puer ta a tu que rer /Cuan do mo rí a por vol ve r \A ve ces tú a ve ces yo /Re ñi mos sin te ner
Mick ey Mouse /For ev er let us hold our /ban ner high! \Come
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LGERM @TOde to Joy @TL.V.Beethoven \Freu de, Schö ner Göt ter fun ken, /
《Ain't Done Nothing if You Ain't Been Called a Red》由美国左翼音乐家艾略特∙坎南(Elliott Keenan)所作,菲斯∙佩特里奇(Faith Petric)演唱,通过世界产业工人联盟(I...