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链锯人 Chainsaw Man チェンソーマン 单轨含伴奏,自动演奏 Harp轨适配竖琴,其他乐器可尝试 不要靠试听,进游戏试 柔风海湾-白夜梦歌
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Melody 1 Melody 2 Choir Slap Sax Synstrin Drum Sax Pizz GM/GS (c) 1994 INTERNATIONAL MIDI HITS
歌名:All My People - Alexandra Stan、Manilla Maniacs 对没错就是坐杀博徒那个,可用于鬼畜调教 【只扒了片段】1:30 - 2:30 BPM:128 --- 关于分轨 --- 【Vocal1
Seq-1 El Piano Bass El Guitar Melodia Brass1 Clavinet Strings1 Strings2 Batteria Tromboni SaxSect1 SaxSect2 Brass2
musescore.com/user/113110/scores/7142184 大美兴,川普王 请勿商用,仅供个人学习使用 —————————————————————————————————— 游戏内乐器八度设置参考如下(已标注八度+-1/
*使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿 BPM:128 务必使用配套伴奏:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo 视频预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ru4y1h74n/ 接调教用扒谱
"2 Become 1"
Castlevania Hack OST - Bird Flight Main: Castle Overworld Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 SFX MetalHeavySliceFlesh
当我的眼睛为刺眼的霓虹灯闪烁所迷时 霓虹灯的闪烁也划破了夜空 And touched the sound of silence 打破了黑夜的沉静 And in the naked light I saw 在无遮灯照耀下我看到 Ten thousand people
Games People Play by the Alan Parsons Project By Chris Rada Generated by NoteWorthy Composer VIOLIN 1 VIOLIN BASE VOCALS
Three People's Time Page 1/Total 4 EveryonePiano.com EveryonePiano www.EveryonePiano.com Everyone Piano Page 2/T otal 4 EveryonePiano.com