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A famous tophit of Queen
No introduction yet
Lay down to the killer queen.
n the explanation, Queen states that "Bohemian Rhapsody" is about a young man who has accidentally killed someone and, like
Deltarune CH2
Toby Fox的曲子 和原曲相比不太一样,扒谱不准请见谅233
Deltarune OST
8条音轨, 8度自行调整 Killer Queen 第三炸弹败者食尘 ! 整调行自度8, 轨音条8 1.双簧管 2.小号 3.长号 4.钢琴 5.吉他过载 6.吉他清音 7.低音鼓 8.小军鼓