About 46 results
自己扒谱。 同时纪念 孙侨潞(R.I.P) 2021年1月2日下午,《巴啦啦小魔仙》中小魔仙凌美琪的扮演者孙侨潞突发心肌梗塞,送到医院时已没有救回的希望。生命永远定格在了25岁。 一路走好~
No introduction yet
Rip Van Winkle -- Act 3 by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (1851) for General MIDI playback
Rip Van Winkle -- Act II by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (1851) for General MIDI playback A Comic Opera
Rip Van Winkle -- Act 1 Words and Music by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (1851) for General MIDI playback A Comic Opera in
A Super Mario 64 Staff Roll MIDI, purely ripped from the SM64 ROM! (i think idk)
试图在FF14里手撕恶魔 一共8条音轨, 合奏乐器安排如下(假设你使用的演奏软件读取的也是C3-C6范围) 1.吉他过载 2.低音提琴 3.单簧管 4.鲁特琴 5.吉他过载或者吉他重力和弦 6.低音鼓 ↑提高3个八度...
rip Akira Toriyama
Spongebob - The Fool Who Ripped his Pants
v=Ck47gfEhWqQ RIP chinese users want to hear orginial source
v=5N7lYaAqjHI RIP chinese users want to hear this song Also shoutout to Felix Zhang, he arranged this
v=weZKm1kTrpc RIP chinese users want to hear orginial source
v=kZ2ZDTlOOKc RIP chinese users want to hear orginial song Oh and also shoutout to "Oh.hi.there" on MuseScore, check him
v=QC4UKsoQqyY RIP chinese users want to hear orginial source
RIP headphone users !NOTE! The MIDI piano length is 128 keys.
v=DQbEhEbGdQY RIP chinese users want to hear orginial source