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Sarah Connor Skin On Skin
Buck Skin Sam Song of the Texan Ranger by C. A. White (1875) for General MIDI playback
Painted Skin Ⅱ
I'VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN ;Words and music by Cole Porter
《因为爱情》是由小柯作词作曲及编曲,陈奕迅、王菲演唱的歌曲,亦是电影《将爱情进行到底》的主题曲,收录于陈奕迅2011年发行的专辑《Stranger Under My Skin》中 。
At the end of the day your brain is just a meat computer in a bone cockpit piloting a skin robot!
and I ignite One touch and I ignite One touch and I ignite So alive Your touch is like the daylight Burning on my skin
I say, "Nah, I want all of 'em" Happiness is the same price as red bottoms My smile is beamin', my skin is gleamin' The
\The min ute you let her un der your skin, /then you be gin to make it better.
\Your skin /Oh yeah, your skin and bones /Turn in to some thing beau ti ful /You know, you know I love you
4音轨。死亡华尔兹,全名《仙境的艾尔和死亡华尔兹》,是John Arthur Stump创作的乐谱。他的侄子在2006年他的葬礼之后,于一堆乐谱中发现了它。乐谱曲名后写有 from "A Tribute to Zdenko G. Fibic...
hands /To shock you like you won't be lieve /Saw her in the A ma zon /With the voltage running through her skin
\Lay in' soft a gainst your skin, /like the shad ows on the wall.