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原曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccPgEK9KPNY 歌曲源自《地狱客栈》第六集后半 修改部分音节 调整八度 请使用大合奏ex演奏
in the rain The night we almost lost it Once again we can take the night into tomorrow Living on feelings Touching you
Gotta' Tell You
歌词 Got on board a westbound 747 Didn't think before deciding what to do Oh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and
fists held hi gh /It nev er would have /worked out right, yeah /We were nev er meant for /do or die /I did n't
\Oh what a night, /You know I didn't e ven know her name.
First Sight @TKylie Minogue @tKar By Woof \Thought that I was go ing cra zy /Just hav ing one those days yeah /Didn't