About 13 results
CHANGES IN MY LIFE by Mark sherman
If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long With you I see
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIn My Life @TThe Beatles @TKaraoke by Anthony Hosking \There are pla ces I'll re mem ber
E0064 You Decorated Of My Life All my life was a paper Once plain pure and white
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TIn_my_life @TLennon/McCartney \There are pla ces I re mem ber
Share my life, take me for what I am Cause I’ll never change all my colours for you Take my love, I’ll never ask for too
P5组曲串烧~一共七首组曲 曲目表: 1.Price 2.Sweat shop 3.The days when my mother was there 4.Freedom and Security 5.Ark 6.The Whims
up I could see you through the sky, All your voice and smell is nearby The sun is shining, the clock is clicking But my
br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TMAN IN THE MIRROR @TMichael Jackson \I'm gon na make a change /for once in my
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI HAVE NOTHING @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) @TWhitney Houston \Share my
in ches /from the mid day sun \I hear you whis per /and the words /melt e very one /but you stay so cool \my
laurianemadison.free.fr @T @T \Won't you talk to me /This is so out of hand /Out of hand /Some thing's gone wrong /With the life
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THere, There and Everywhere @TThe Beatles @TKaraoke by Anthony Hosking \To lead a bet ter life