About 9 results
リング・マイ・ベル by ブルードロップス - そらのおとしものop 1
Symbolic of strength our hopes for freedom to be My friends, not so far away Rulers will reunite hand in hand Oh hail
mia @TAbba Teens @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \I've been cheat ed by you since I don't know when /So I made up my
day this has been /What a rare mood I'm in \Why it's al most like be ing in love /There's a smile on my
MAMMA MIA - ABBA \I've been cheat ed by you since I don't know when /So I made up my mind, it must come
Christmas When You're Far From Home 1910 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 24 March 2011 @T2011 \When Christ mas bells are ring
Michael Boyce tinker@worldnet.att.net Copyright @1997 @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Visitors @TABBA \I hear the door bell
\Dash ing through the snow, /In my rust y Chevro let, /Down the road I go, /Slid ing all the way.