More "theme" related MIDI files
Showing 1-19 of 19 MIDI music pieces
《Enemy》(中文名:宿敌)是英雄联盟动画剧集《双城之战》的全球主题曲。 简介 本曲于2021年10月在《双城之战》预热阶段发布,由美国摇滚乐团Imagine Dragons演绎。 "Enemy" is a song by Am...
The Battle Theme From Final Fantasy 1
转自: “ Super Smash Bros. SPECIAL ”主题曲的歌曲名称 。 与《X》和《for 》一样,流淌在主菜单、终点、战场等处的全新原...
"Soviet Connection" is the theme song and introductory music for Grand Theft Auto IV. Description It is composed by Mi...
Yet another classic.
Aeris Theme
转自: "Soviet Connection" is the theme song and introductory music for...
Why 作词:绚香/作曲:西尾芳彦・绚香 PSP专用软体“核心危机:最终幻想VII”主题歌 游戏片尾曲《Why》由绚香演唱[54]。史克威尔艾尼克斯在2007年5月游戏加入《Why》的消息,绚香表示她对《核心危机》的故事非常着迷,...
"Soviet Connection" is the theme song and introductory music for Grand Theft Auto IV. It is composed by Michael Hunt...
Слуга народу OST midi 偶像大师除灰姑娘女孩系列以外的动画游戏的真·主题曲
转自: The theme plays during the PlayStation 2 version intro and in th...
The main theme from "The Child of Light" computer game. Transcribed into MIDI by ear
Hey kids! It's me your old pal and overlord Bill Cipher! I'm sure you all miss me, but if you ever miss me just remember...