共找到 28 条结果
Diana Ross Theme Mahogany
Diana Krall Lets Fall In Love
Diana Guarani
Dirty Diana
思念是一种很玄的东西 如影~随形 无声又无息出没在心底 转眼~吞没我在寂默里 我无力抗拒特别是夜里喔~ 想你到无法呼吸 恨不能立即朝你狂奔去 大声的告诉你~ 愿意为你我愿意为你 我愿意为你忘记我姓名 就算多一秒停留在你怀...
Mr John Henry Foster
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TDiana @Tby Paul Anka @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \I'm so young...
'S Wonderful (Arr L Cullen)
the look of love
"Someday We'll Be Together" (Diana Ross & the Supremes) Sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com>
://musescore.com/user/30968271/scores/6808208 中文名贝多芬病毒 外文名Beethoven Virus 所属专辑Beethoven Virus贝多芬病毒 歌曲时长0时3分42秒 歌曲原唱Diana
Do You Know Where You're Going To(你可知道你将何去何从) Artist:Diana Ross(戴安娜罗丝) Do you know where you're going to Do you like