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Binahs 2nd battle theme in library of ruina
From Project Moon Library of ruina
The Chink of Gold (aka "Les Pieces d''Lor") Words by George Linley. Music by E.
drunken sailor \What shall we do with the drun ken sai lor, /what shall we do with the drun ken sai lor,
来自https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G5a5G0lor_eUo8B7984S_Hk3fHTf_UyT 新曲来了,大佬们干劲也来了
来自https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G5a5G0lor_eUo8B7984S_Hk3fHTf_UyT 使用另外标准的midi,就我自己音源的演出效果更好一些
\My moth er was a tai lor, /sewed my new blue jeans.
/You know (Am) I dream in co lor (F) /And do (C) the things I want (G) /(And do the things I want) \You
Share my life, take me for what I am Cause I’ll never change all my colours for you Take my love, I’ll never ask for t...
\Ha ce fal ta va lor. Ha ce fal ta va lor, /ven a la es cue la de ca lor.
fuis tes la ra zon de mi e xis tir, /a do rar te pa ra mi fue re li gion, /en tus be sos en con tra ba, /el ca lor
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI HAVE NOTHING @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) @TWhitney Houston \Share my...
Bo gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You go strol ling through the crowd /like Pe ter Lor
to where you once belonged /Sweet Lor ett a Modern 1970 - "Let It Be"
/Tie ne la piel mo re na, /son ri sa cla ra, co lor de lu na.
Song made by Serge Gainsbourg
ten dré que su pe rar /Un dí a lle ga ré /No im por ta la dis tan cia /El rum bo en con tra ré /Y ten dré va lor