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i like midi
Lao Kratop Mai - Famous folk songs of Northeastern Thailand.
跟我约会吧 原曲泰国歌曲 Kho Chai The Laek Boer Thor - Yinglee E调 midi arrange = Danny Brat Lee
Thai - PANTHIP (Loso)
GM LyrHdr1eJzFXE1vW8cV3RfofyC8jzl3vgdgXqw6dCRUIg2KSqOVELRGYaBWANco2p8jw4CEruUqiguhEkGwSUA0pKMk3hGuFyTgH9EhRSb24hgVcfi80v...
泰国民歌 This is a well known of Thai folk song in Thailand. The song deals with the history of Thailand and Burma.
thai song
Thai song