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\Everybody knows a tur key /and some mis tle toe, /Help to make the sea son bright.
things I've do ne /I find her st an ding in front of the chu rch /The on ly place in town where I didn't sea
\Same old song, /just a drop of wa ter in an end less sea. \All we do /crum bl %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
《Auld Lang Syne》(友谊天长地久):苏格兰民歌,电影《魂断蓝桥》主题曲,在全球被人们广为传唱。 怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不欢笑 旧日朋友岂能相忘 友谊地久天长 友谊万岁朋友友谊万岁 举杯痛饮同声歌颂友谊地久天长 我们曾经终日...
Carl Warren @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Carl Warren \Puff the ma gic dra gon lived by the sea
Eliza Lee visit www.contemplator.com go to Folk Music, Songs of the Sea and song title for lyrics and information
your shoes get so hot you /wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un der the boa rd walk, /down by the sea
Delta Goodrem Not Me, Not I
\When I am down and, oh my soul, so we a ry /When trou bles come and my heart bur dened be, /Then I a...
Tcopyright \We skipped the light /Fan dan go /And turned cart wheels /A cross the floor /I was feel ing kind /Of sea
web @T @T \" Downstream " /By: Supertramp /------------------------------------ \Took a boat sunday, down by the sea
life /You give me hope, to ca rry on /You light up my days /And fill my nights with song /Ro llin' at sea
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe End of the World @THerman's Hermits \Why does the sun go on shin ing /Why does the sea
. / If the sky that we look up on / Should tum ble and fall / Or the moun tain should crum ble to the sea
stay /would it be a sin /If I can't help fall ing in love with you \Like a riv er flows sure ly to the sea
workin' in this factory /For 'nye on fif teen years \All this time I watched my wo man /Drow nin' in a sea
\I want to fly like an ea gle, to the sea. /Fly like an ea gle, let my spi rit car ry me.
\He gave me skies of grey and skies of blue, /He gave me hills that run down to the sea, /Then last of