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Un uomo ed una donna Ac.Piano Basso Muted Tru Flauti French Hr Violino Strings Arpa Sliw Stri Batteria Gloken Sp Tromba
Nel "Quaderno Eroica" Nottebohm SK II, pagina 66, ne cita un piccolo abbozzo.
good -bye /I wake up in the morn ing and /I wond er \Why eve ry thing's the same as it was /And I can't un
/Y tam bién so ñé, /que si he de tri un far /mi or gu llo a fe rra do ten dré que su pe rar /Un dí a lle ga
\No one un der stands me! /They view it as such strange ec cen tricities!
/My Lit tle Po ny /I used to won der what friend ship could be /Un til you all shared its mag ic with me
the land / We can make this world a bet ter place / In which to live / Hand in hand we can / Start to un
\A cer tain smile, a cer tain face, /can lead an un sus pect ing heart /on a mer ry chase.
\Fe un ton bpai sia we lah plao.. /Chah reu rew gaw puat rao /Feun ton bp
Payeur (yvp@odyssee.net) \Look up on the wall, there on the floor, /Un der the pil low, be hind the door.
You're not sorry @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T You're not Sorry @T Taylor Swift @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé
T-Fly- \Break me in, /teach us to cheat /And to lie and cov er up /What shoul dn't be shared /And the truth un
/melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you /wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un
And I will avenge /And jus ti fy my rea sons with your bloody hand \You will not rest /Set tle for less /Un
Opus 82 Numero 1 Dimmi ben mio che m' ami Vier arietten und ein duett Opus 82 Quattro Ariette ed un duetto, per voce e pianoforte
@TCRY ME A RIVER \Now, you say that you love me, /af ter be ing so un true.
\She could not leave her num ber /But I know who placed the call \'Cause my un cle took the mess age /And
ist /I will sure ly miss /Your ten der kiss /So don't leave me this way \Don't leave me this way /I don't un
Monster @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Monster @T Lady Gaga @T Mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par jc sur le net
\The min ute you let her un der your skin, /then you be gin to make it better.