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Young Maylay, CJ's voice actor, produced a rap out of this theme.
Young at the St. James Theatre, Philadelphia.
eh woo \don't grow up too fast /and don't em brace the past /this life's too good to last /and i'm too young
<<Tall and tan <and young and lovely, <<the girl from I
@Tby Johnny Rivers \I wan na jump but I'm a fraid I'll fall /I wan na hol ler but the joint's too small \Young
Young's "Rust Never Sleeps" Sequenced for the Roland MT-32/CM-32L/CM-64/LAPC-1 & Compatibles. Want More?
Some times I get to fee lin' /I was back in the old days, /long a go \When we were kids, when we were young
Intro 1a 1b 2a 2b Bridge 1 Solo Intro Solo a solo b Bridge 2 coda "Summer Sky" Sequence by Robb Scott ゥ Copyright 1996 Young
to be a star, /To ny al ways tend ed bar \Ac ross the crow ded floor, he worked from 8 til 4 /They were young
\Bud dy, you're a young man, hard man, /shout ing in the street, /gon na take on
TThe Carpenters @TKen Vong (synergy@intergate.bc.ca) @TURL: http://www.geocites.com/Hollywood/Hills/1533 \When I was young
**************** @W \When I was young, /it seemed that life was so won der ful, /a mi ra cle, oh it was beau
\I'm not a pre sent for your friends to op en /This boy's to young to be sing ing the blues \So good bye
\I write the songs that make the young girls cry. /I write the songs, I write the songs.
right mu sic /Get ting in the swing /You come to look for a king \A ny bo dy could be that guy /Night is young
/And the re he was this young boy, /a stran ger to my eyes.
en, West Virg in ia /Blue Ridge Mount ains, Shan an do ah Riv er /Life is old there, old er than the trees /Young
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEVERY TIME YOU GO AWAY @TPaul Young @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Hey, if
strong \And as I still walk on /I think of the things we've done \To get her while our hearts were young