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v=sP5YG2MO8PY&pp=ygUVUnVzaCBlIDIgZ2lyYWZmZXJvb20x original Video 2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?
shared /And the truth un wind ing /Scrap ing a way at my mind /Please stop ask ing me to des cribe \For one mo
Year Of The Cat Al Stewart \On a mor ning from a Bo gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You
\An en chant ed mo ment /and it sees me through.
TSting /If blood will flow /when flesh and steel are one /Dry ing in the co lour /of the eve ning sun / /To mo
lucialeite) \Não que ro lhe fa lar meu gran de a mor /Das coi sas que a pren di nos dis cos /Que ro lhe con tar co mo
ho ra tus bra zos a quien van a men tir le_a ho ra tus la bios a quien vas a de cir le_a ho ra te a mo
/With mixed e mo tions. \Deep in your heart is the ans wer. /Find it, I know it will pull you through.
o h love \Al ways I wan na be with you /And make be lieve with you /And live in har mo
know \And all the peo ple that come and go /Stop and say hel lo \On the cor ner is a ban ker with a mo
sell you bo dy to the night \Ro xanne /You don't have to wear that dress to night \Walk the streets for mo
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSlow Hand @TPointer Sisters @TKaraoke by Anthony Hosking \As the mid night mo on was drift
mod=0 PBS=-40 PBW=143 PBM=j 0014: mod=0 PBS=-40 PBW=80 0015: mod=0 PBS=-40 PBW=80 0016: mod=0 PBS=-189;20 PBW=229 0017: mo
\Why am I so e mo tion al? /No, it's not
email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TLET IT BE @TThe Beatles \When I find my self in times of trou ble, /Mo
12.5 -12.5 -12.5 -12.5 -9.38 -9.38 -9.38 -9.38 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 0 0 0 0002: mod=0 PBS=-48 PBW=95 0004: mod=0 0005: mo
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TSereia - Lulu Santos \Cla ra co mo a luz do sol, /cla rei ra lu mi no sa nes sa es cu ri dão
na tebe li ~e \Ruku na sr ce /ra zloga je ma lo /da bi se s to bom osta lo \Lu da za to bom, /{ta se tu mo
you be com ing back soon /You don't know, nev er know \Well, I'm a man of many wish es /I Hope my pre mo
hear you whis per /and the words /melt e very one /but you stay so cool \my mu ne qui ta /my Spa nish Har lem /mo