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Composed piece by me. Song by Cutting Crew.
Have a nice day guys
新人渣作,岩崎琢的曲子,来自《女神异闻录 圣洁之魂》的一首配乐
Lead Elec Guitr Vox 2 Vox 3 Dist Guit Mute Guitr Bass Drums
bassdrum popsnare hihat handclap crash count in bass vocal flute piano brass sax guitar st...
Rick Nelson-You just can't quit http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro or equivalents
my baby j
Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo Eyes Words by John Queen. Music by Hughie Cannon. (1900) for General MIDI playback
Just Touch the Harp Gently My Pretty Louise Words by Samuel N. Mitchell, 1846-1905.
yes i dont understand chinese or japanse :P