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On this end less o cean /Fi nally lo vers know no shame \Turn ing and re turn ing /To some sec ret place in side
\When there's love in side /I swear I'll al ways be strong. \then there's a rea son why.
\I lie a wake at night /See things in black and white /I've o nl y go t you in side my mi nd /You kno w
\Way down in side, /oh hon ey you need it. \I'm gon na give you my love. /I'm gon na give you my love.
\On my own, pre tend ing he's be side me. /All a lone I walk with him 'til morn ing.
/I've been set ting a side time /To clear a lit tle space in the
me give my life to you /Let me drown in your laught er \Let me die in your arms /Let me lay down be side
\I wan na lov er who knows me /who un der stands how I feel in side.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSilver Bells @TXmas Carol (J Livingston Ray Evans) \Ci ty side walks, bu sy side walks /
/But that ain't gett ing us no where /I told you eve ry thing I poss ib ly can \There's noth ing left in side
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBand on the Run @T by Paul and Linda McCartney @T Karaoked by Jens Ackermann \Stuck in side
during 5 days free testing phase @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEverywhere @TMichelle Branch @tKar By Woof \Turn it in side
y's gonn a be a foot ball star /Di ane deb u tante /back seat of Jack y's car \Suck in' on chil i dogs /out side
band is blow ing Dix ie double four time \You feel all right when /you hear that mu sic ring \You step in side
@LENGL @TOPEN ARMS @TJourney \Ly ing be side you, here in the dark /Fee ling your heart beat with mine \Soft ly
@TENGLISHMAN IN NEW YORK @TSting \I don't drink cof fee I take tea my dear /I like my toast done on the side
\We kiss the mor ning good bye, /but down in side /you know we ne ver know why.
a kiss on the shore \Then rolls out to sea /and the sea \is ver y still once more /So I rush to your side