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Smith - Stay With Me(2014) @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 6th August 2014 \Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one night stand
how I love you \Gaz ing at peop le, /some hand in hand /Just what I'm go ing through /they can't un der stand
ging you \Won't you for get /Wel come love we once knew \O pen up your eyes /Then you'll re a lise \Here I stand
you're a round \O oo, May be, when I see your face /Mell ow as the month of May /Oh, darl ing, I can't stand
ask me where I've been /Or what I'm gon na do /Just know that I'm here with yo u /Don't try to un der stand
Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \If I fell in love with you, /Would you pro mise to be true /And help me un der stand
/Now I un der stand \What you tried to say, to me /And how you suf fered for your sa ni ty /And how you tried
luck /back to y o u /And if you think that /ev ery thing痴 un fa ir /Would you ca r e /if you池e the last one /stand
/I' m just stand ing here sell ing e very thi ng.
let go @T By Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com \There you are hol ding her hand /I am lost /Dy ing to un der stand
/And you can act out the part /Though you know it was n't /Writ ten for you /But tell me how you can stand
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEASY @TFAITH NO MORE @TKaraoke text by: Claude Meyer \I know it sounds funn y but I just can't stand
Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TYOU'VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \Here I stand
You can leave your hat on /Go on ov er here /turn on the light \no all the lights /Come mo ve here /stand
they speak t o ge t her /ar e beau ti ful and gran d, /yet not the wis est schol ar /their speech may u n der stand
She came in to my life /Like we know each oth er /For quite a while \In the sound of si lence /Time is stand
\When it's love you give /I'll be a man of good faith \then in love you live /I'll make a stand.
WinKaraoke Creator @IKaraoked by Jim Smith @LENGL @TEASY @Tby The Commodores \Know it sounds fun ny /but I just can't stand
\We can try to un der stand /The New York Times' ef fect on man.