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Come, Take the Gentle Harp of Sorrow Written and Adapted by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (9 Sep 1845) for General MIDI playback
2010年南非世界杯主题曲,推荐收听k'naan唱的waving flag 部分歌词如下 ahhho ahhho ahhho Give me freedom Give me fire Give me reason Take me
【扒谱向】炎 - 鬼灭之刃电影版主题曲: 无限列车篇 (THE FIRST TAKE Ver.) 难度: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 樂譜+MIDI: 有粉丝勋章的请在下面留言(怎么有粉丝勋章呢?
I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen Words and Music by Thomas P. Westendorf (1876) for General MIDI playback
strings - take me away
Come Take a Sail A New Ethiopian Melody Words and Music by H. Avery (13 Jan 1854) for General MIDI playback
无名的take my breath away
Take My Breath Away
Frankie Valli
Take Me Home to Die or The Last Request Words by Mrs. Abby Allin Curtiss.
Drums Perc Bass Syn El.Piano Harpsi Clav Guitar Strings Brass 1 Brass 2 Sax's Glock Syn Pad Sc...
Take Me From My Little Bed Companion to "Put Me in My Little Bed" Song and Chorus Words by Arthur Harrison.
Paul Simon-Take Me To The Mardri Gras http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ This file is compatible with GM and Roland GS system