共找到 253 条结果
/If you were a house I would live in you all my days.
Percival at Buckley's Opera House, New York
for General MIDI playback Dedicated to the Convention for nominating General Grant fo the presidency of Crosby's Opera House
The Old Brown Cow No. 1 [of 2] from Gems of the Minstrelsy, Perham's Opera House, 663 Broadway, New York As sung by A.
Heroes of The Children Battle Good News EarthlandartX, LovestrongArtFan90, To Be Reviewed, DJStorm12, DanielHudson...
找到了陈涌海博导<将进酒>吉他伴奏谱(深蓝海吉他HOUSE编的), 再midishow论坛求MIDI不果, 我自己用GUITAR PRO做了伴奏(我现学现用照葫芦画瓢的)谱转MIDI, 用EOP把唱曲转MIDI(因为不懂五线谱,无法用GUITAR
Walz at Newcomb & Arllington's Opera House, 28th & Broadway, New York.
/Our house was plain red brick /like most o thers in the town. \So, I went and asked my mom ma /wh
to meet me /Out reach ing smil ing sweet ly /It's good to touch the green /green grass of home \The old house
TGrandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer @TAuthor unknown \Grand ma got run ov er by a rein deer, /walk ing home from our house
Words & music: Benito Benitas/John Garrett III/Paula Brown) @TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \Wel come in to my house
peo ple stood and stared /They've seen his face be fore \No bo dy was real ly sure /if he was from the house
\When I come home, ba by, /my house is dark and my pots are cold. /You're hang in' round, ba by, /
Budapest My \George Ezra /Budapest \My house in Budapest my , /My hidden treasure chest \Golden grand piano /My beautiful
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAQUARIUS @TThe Fifth Dimensions \When the moon is in the sev enth house /And Ju pi
creep y and they're kook y /Mys ter i ous and spook y \They're al to geth er ook y /The Add ams Fam i ly \Their house
ne ver sho uld have been \And the thun der rolls /and the thun der rolls \Eve ry light is bur nin /in a house
25 octobre 2000 @Ilavm@moncourrier.com @LFR @TAge of Aquarius @TFifth Dimension \When the moon is in the se venth house
., gon na burn this god damn house right down \Oh I know I know I know I know I know I know \a bout your