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LENGL @TYour Song @TElton John @TKaraoke file by beno@imola.jump.org \ It's a lit tle bit fun ny this feel in' in side
GOODBYE @Tby Glen Campbell \Kiss me each morn ing for a mil lion years /Hold me each eve ning by your side
<<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I've got sun shine, on a clou dy day /When it's cold out side
\In his eyes you see no pride, /And held loose ly by his side, \yes ter day's pa per /tel ling yes ter day's
HOLIDAY @TBoney M \I was wal kin' down the street, /Con cent rat in' on truck in' right \I heard a dark voice be side
Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \To real ly love a wo man /to un der stand her /you got ta know her deep in side
e yes /I want you to be the first thing that I see /I wan na wake up with you \I wan na lay by your side
LENGL @TLeaving On A Jet Plane @TJohn Denver \All my bags are packed, I'm rea dy to go, /I'm stand ing here out side
ver is wide /I walk down eve ry eve ning /And I stand on the shore \And try to cross to the op po site side
good bye /She's trou ble, in a word get clo ser to the fire /Run fas ter, her laugh ter burns you up in side
ing in my head /My pil low still wet /From last night tears /And as I think of gi ving up /A voice in side
\Come and lay down by my side /till the ear ly morn in' light. \All I'm tak in' is your time.
\And while I'm a way, bust out the de mons in side, /and it won' %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
cher, the sub ject /of school girl fan ta sy /she wants him, so bad ly \knows what she wants to be /in side
TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \I'll keep wor kin' my way back to you, babe /With a bur nin' love in side
\The show must go on /the show must go on \In side my heart is brea king /My make- up may be fla king /But
/Down by the ri ver side's \bound to be a bet ter ride /than what you've got planned.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhat the World Needs Now Is Love @TBurt Bacharach \What the world needs now /is love,...