共找到 328 条结果
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Ti re su as mãos de mim /Eu não per ten ço a vo cê /Não é me domi nan do as sim /Que vo
right /Say you'll un der stand, oh I know you can /C' mon Mar i anne \No mat ter what peo ple say, /it did n't
S A I L O R M O O N T h e m e S o n g By BOB SUMMERS for DON PERRY MUSIC (C) DIC This .MID was constructed
la foire de l'est (1976) @TAngelo Branduardi @TParoles: A.Branduardi, E.Roda Gil @TMusique: A.Branduardi @TKaraoké By Je@n-Mi
Benzi - Kevin Organisation @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LFrench @TLa rose des vents (1998) @TAnggun @TKaraoké By Je@n-Mi \Je suis
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TGROOVY KIND OF LOVE @TPhil Collins \When I'm fee
ス ve plus , /Je n'ai m?
zi nha /Can sa da com mi nhas mei as três quar tos /Re zan do bai xo pe los can tos /Por ser u ma me ni na má
much young er than to da y /I ne ver need ed an y bo dy's /help in an y way \But now those days are gone /I'm
Martin) @Tcaco@mundivia.es \Trai go en los bol si llos tan ta so le dad, /des de que te fuis te no me que da más
Vinicius de Moraes @TKaraokê do Brasil - Família Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Vai meu ir mão
LENGL @TALL OUT OF LOVE - Air Supply (1980) @T(Words & music: Graham Russel) @TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \I'm
/Qui et and blue like the sky I'm hung o ver you.
/Just the two of us and no bod y /else in sight /There's no bod y else and I'm feel ing /good just hold ing
, Robbie Sexed Up Williams, Robbie @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tsexed up @Trobbie williams \LOOSE LIPS SUNK SHIPS /I'M
/It's late Sep tem ber and I real ly /should be back at school /I know I keep you a mused /But I feel I'm
Fred Coots Henry Gillespie 1934) \You better watch out /You bett er not cry /Bett er not pout /I'm tell ing you
TPaula Abdul \Lost in a dream /Don't know which way to turn \If you are all that you seem /Then ba by I'm