共找到 357 条结果
\De la sie rra mo re na, cie li to lin do /vie nen ba jan do \un par de o ji tos ne gros, cie li to lin do /de
/And a time to every pur pose un der Hea ven.
you /That what we have is still worth while /Don't you know that love's just like the thread /That keeps un
Stream @TKenny Rogers & Dolly Parton @Tseq by Stefan Tesar - kar by Mike M \Ba by when I met you there was peace un
mong those afraid /Of los ing their ground \Mean grey town known for its sound /In pla ces small pla ces un
el mun do que en mar cha es toy, con mu cho que /ver y vi vir, con cie los a zu les an dan do voy, a un
\When you be lieve in things /That you don't un der stand, /Then you suf fer.
your mind /Treat me like you did /The night be fore \Were you tel ling lies /The night be fore /Was I so un
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLIGHT MY FIRE @TThe Doors \You know that it would be un true, /You know that I would
/melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you \wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un
/It's the cheap un der wear /creep ing up to your hair. /It's the real wo
/Add ress un known. /No such num ber. /No such zone. /We had a quar rel /a lov ers spat.
@LFREN @TLa tribu DANA @Tauthor \Le vent souf fle sur les plaines /de la Bre tagne Ar mo ri caine, /Je jette un
bet ter shape up, /cause I need a man, /and my heart is set on you /You better shape up, /you bet ter un
Cry @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Cry @T Kelly Clarkson @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par JC sur le net.
clos es /Tears will fall like pet als from my heart \I begged you to dif fer ent but you've al ways been un
/I was un rec ge nize ble to my self. /Saw my reflec tion in a win dow /I did n't know my own face.
four hours a da y /Cause Im hot like th a t /Eve ry guy every where just gives me mad atten tion /Like Im un
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TNo More Lonely Nights @TPaul McCartney \ I can't wait an oth er day, un til I