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Folks down there don't treat you mean In Abilene, my Abilene.
(Chorus) As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two
Don't kill the world Don't let her down. Do not destroy basic ground. Don't kill the world Our means of life.
Remind me what it's like And let's fall in love one more time I need you now by my side It tears me up when you turn me down
DON'T LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON ME ;Elton John / Bernie Taupin Back Vocal
I have reluctantly reduced this down to GM so that everyone can play. Enjoy. Leo_Melanson@Compuserve.com
bar gained for /And then I dis cov ered you and in your eyes /I found the love that I could n't ig nore \Down
\So she ran in to the bed room, /she was struck down. /It was her doom. \An nie, are you o K?
就不要再去贪恋悬崖 再见不过是一种表达 别怕 灿烂星河如果能落下 就不必等待漫天烟花 我们的爱散落满地 被时间同化 你总习惯若即若离煽情者的戏码躲在面具后装聋作哑 我尽量让表现自然 假装的很优雅带不走的就留下 So calm down
rra /Vo cê não ima gi na a lou cu ra /O ser hu ma no es tá na maior fis su ra por que /Tá ca da vez mais down
\If you ever go down Tri ni dad, /They make you feel so ve ry glad, \Ca lyp so sing and make up rhyme, /Guar
Down with Greed and Exploitation; Tyranny must fall! Hail to Toil's Emancipation; Labor shall be all.
Made By @Girafferoom1 Midi Download: No You Must Scroll Down And The Description Is Too Far Away Making It Very Impossible
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST @TQueen \Steve walks wari ly down
@TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \By the ri vers of Ba by lon, /there we sat down \ye ah we wept,
a choice \I let you push me past the break ing point /I should do not a thing so I fell for e very thing \You held me down
we can do do 随心所欲 做我想做吧 Runnin' free in the world 在这世界我们自由自在 We got all weekend do do 整个周末都属于我们 Tear it up tear it down
DON'T BRING ME DOWN ;Gerry Goffin / Carole King
high so high 酒醉微酣 畅快淋漓 Oh angel sent from up above 你如天使降临人世 You know you make my world light up 照亮我的整个世界 When I was down